Leader's Guide for the Leader/Guide

Understanding the Leader/Guide

Leader/Guide business Type has been in the Builder phase for a season and has reached the title of VP. They are consistent in both new customer sales, recurring customer sales, and new petPro...

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Leader's Guide for the Builder

Understanding the Builder

Builder business type is passionate about the product and excited to invite others to join them as a petPro. They usually have a mid-level income vision at first of around $500+ a month but are also excited about...

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Leader's Guide for the Seller

Understanding the Seller

Seller Business Type is passionate about the product. They usually have a lower income goal and often start with a vision of only $300-500 a month. They see this business as a side gig and closely relate to the term...

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Introduction to Guiding & Mentoring the 3 Business Types

Your team is built with these three business types: 

  • The Seller
  • The Builder
  • The Leader/Guide

Knowing which business type your petPros identify with will help you provide the right kind of guidance for them. It will also help you understand...

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Building an Income Beyond Sales

Embarking on the journey of a side business often begins with a modest financial goal, such as an extra $300-500 a month. For many petPros with pawTree, this income path is clear and achievable through product sales by following the 3-step process...

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Four Step Process of Duplicating Leaders and Growing Leadership Income


This video explains the simple and duplicatable path for moving up the pawTree compensation plan. 

Following this path personally and teaching others to do the same is the duplicatable process that will bring you success and increased income...

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5 Self-Coaching Questions to Overcome Overwhelm

Leadership isn't doing all the things for all the people.

It's learning to do the things that lead others to want to duplicate you. 

If you are overwhelmed, those you are leading see it and say to themselves "no thank you". Duplication...

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Using Incentives To Grow Your Team

A little team competition can go a long way to building team growth and connections. Incentives are not necessary every month but can be helpful if you are going for a larger team goal. 

How To Do Incentives

Layer With Company Incentives...

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Leading with Power Hours

Power hours (or 1/2 hours) are a great time management tool, for both personal business AND leadership business. 

The concept is this:

Dedicate a block of time (1/2 - 1 hour - This is an appointment you put on the calendar and ...

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Shadow Training

When a leader models basic success activity in their daily/weekly/monthly business, it opens up an opportunity to train while you work, also known as shadow training.

Shadow training is not only effective; it is a great time management tool. Build...

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