Leader's Guide for the Seller

Understanding the Seller

Seller Business Type is passionate about the product. They usually have a lower income goal and often start with a vision of only $300-500 a month. They see this business as a side gig and closely relate to the term affiliate and/or influencer and typically sell only through social media platforms. This does not mean they are opposed to person-to-person marketing; they just tend to navigate more toward social media sales and/or email marketing.

A Seller does not see themselves building a team. They may "accidentally" sponsor from time to time simply because satisfied customers often decide to become petPros. This doesn’t mean the Seller decided to build a team; it just means they suddenly found themselves with a team.  For this reason, you’ll want to pay close attention when a new petPro pops up on their team, as that new petPro may need some guidance the Seller isn’t prepared to give. 

Guiding the Seller

The primary support a Seller needs is knowing how to share the products successfully. They typically don’t require a substantial amount of training and it’s important for them to have a simple process to follow. It’s common for a Seller to say something like, “Just tell me a few things to do that will help me sell the product."

  1. Check-in chats: They may or may not be up for phone or in-person conversations but encourage regular check-in chats in their first several weeks as a petPro. You can adjust the frequency as you get to know them better. If not phone/in person - use messaging for check-in chats. 
  2. Goal-Getting Accountability: Use the information you gathered from the defining conversations to set up the level of goal-getting accountability they desire. Use the check-in chats for accountability conversations like: 
    • Conversation list - Who are they having conversations with and how can you help with that? This includes messaging conversations that may be a result of social marketing conversations.
    • Reaching new customer goals to meet income expectations
  3. Training: Make sure they know where to find training that’s more relevant to their business type. 
    • The 3-Step Process (a series of conversations for in-person marketing and social marketing)
    • Social Selling Training Hub in pTU
    • Weekly Workshops for social selling tips and content creation
    • Product Knowledge Course
  4. Resources: Be sure they know where to find and log in to the resources most helpful to them: 
    • The petPro Library to grab social sharing assets 
    • The pawTree App
    • Home Office emails - be sure they know to look for relevant and timely information and to not unsubscribe. 
    • Prospect Report
  5. Community: Invite them to your team groups and chats as well as the company group(s) for petPros. 

pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each PetPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort.  

The financial results of all PetPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure chart that can be found here, which does not include PetPro costs.


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