Shadow Training

When a leader models basic success activity in their daily/weekly/monthly business, it opens up an opportunity to train while you work, also known as shadow training.

Shadow training is not only effective; it is a great time management tool. Build your personal business at the same time you are training others to do the same.

Shadow training is simply a process:

  1. You invite your petPros to join you when you are doing business building activities.
    • Or…ask petPros to invite you to join them when they're doing business activities.
  2. The first time, you do it and they learn.
    • Follow up with Q&A time afterwards.
  3. The next time, they do some of it and you do the rest.
  4. The next time, they do more of it and you do the rest.
  5. Repeat until the petPro is trained!
  6. Duplicate: teach them to follow the same training process with their petPros.


Here are some examples of how to ‘shadow train’ basic business skills:

  • Giving A Presentation: When you go to do a presentation with one of your personal prospects, look for a petPro on your team that needs training in this area. Invite them to join you and ask them to stay after it’s over to review what they learned. This can be done face-to-face or as a three-way call.
  • 3 Way Presentations: Ask your petPros to set up 3-5 presentations of the same kind with different prospects.
    • DUPLICATE! Now teach them to do the same with petPros they enroll.
    • Have the petPro listen and observe the first time. Tell them to take notes and be ready to take a section the next time. [you can schedule a follow up chat to answer their questions]
    • The second time, have them do a portion of the presentation.
    • Repeat this process until you’ve ‘shadow trained’ the petPro to do the entire presentation on their own.
  • Calling Contacts Or Offering Customer Care: If you have a petPro who is struggling to take that step out of their comfort zone and into the success zone when it comes to making phone calls, invite them over during the time you’ve scheduled for making calls and tell them to bring their contact list and/or customer list. Let them watch you for a bit, then have them do a few calls with you there to support and coach after each one. Then, send them to a separate room to finish making calls during the allotted time while you do the same.
    • VIRTUAL VERSION: Have them join you in a video format (Zoom, Google Meets, etc..) and follow the same process. They listen to you – you listen to them and coach.
  • New petPro Support: New petPros need lots of time and nurturing during their Fast Start period, especially in their first 30 days or so. When calling, training or supporting a new petPro, look for other members on your team that are struggling with new petPro development. Ask them to shadow you whenever possible.
    • Even better: When a petPro first begins to sponsor, join them on their initial petPro launching conversations and follow the ‘you do / now they do’ shadowing process.


Look for opportunities to shadow often. It’s an excellent way to duplicate leaders in your team and grow a strong downline.


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