What's Your Excuse


We have all been guilty of using them at some time or another. Maybe you are using them right now?

Using Excuses VS Having Excuses

When we talk about excuses, we often say we ‘have’ an excuse, but truth is, most often we don’t ‘have’ excuses – we ‘USE’ excuses. To ‘use’ an excuse means excuses are the thing we point to as the reason we can’t have, be or do the things we desire. We ‘use’ them to:

  • Justify not taking action
  • Avoid stepping into more with courage (aka – letting fear win)
  • Comfort ourselves for not reaching a goal
  • Set success boundaries in our lives

To ‘have’ an excuse means we have a limiting circumstance that is 100% out of our control. 

Which leads to the question –

Do I have a legitimate excuse for not taking action in my life, or am I just ‘using’ excuses to avoid taking action in my life?

Am I ‘Using’?

You are an excuse ‘user’ if you say or think these words:

  • I can’t because….
  • I’m not able to do (xyz) because…
  • It’s hard for me to do that because…
  • I didn’t reach my goal because…
  • {fill in the blank} because…

And if your response to any of the statements above is “That’s not fair to say because…” – you might also be an excuse user.

It’s a Habit, Not a Life Sentence

Using excuses is usually a mindset habit we just fall into. It becomes a comfortable place to avoid growing into our full potential or stepping into our success zone

A habit is something we can overcome, it’s not a life sentence or an insurmountable obstacle (why yes…mindset habits are often ‘used’ as excuses as well!).

There are 3 simple steps that can move us out of ‘using’ excuses and into the results we desire for an elevated life.

  1. Recognize the excuses we use
  2. Determine what needs to happen to overcome our excuse mindset
  3. Decide to take action – and do it


Own Your Choice (aka – stop whining)

There are 2 kinds of people when it comes to excuses:

  1. Those who are tired of settling for the limited results of their excuses
  2. Those who are willing to settle for the limited results of their excuses

This is a great self coaching question when feeling stuck –

Am I willing to settle for the limited results of using my excuses, or am I tired enough to do something about it?

However you answer that question, own it.

If you’d rather settle for what you have and where you are than overcome the excuses, own it – stop whining about it. Your ‘owning’ statement might sound something like this:

“I know I could have more if I was willing to overcome my excuses, but I’m ok with landing here and I’m going to stop asking people for help or seeking advise because I know I’m not willing to take the actions required.”

If you are not willing to settle for what you have and where you are and are ready to overcome the excuses, own it – and take action. Your ‘owning’ statement might sound something like this:

“I know I can have more and it’s time to stop using excuses as my reason for not having it. I’m not ok with landing where I am and I’m going to seek the training and advice I need to step into action – NO EXCUSES!”

So… do you have an excuse habit?


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