Your Guide to $300-$500 a Month in Sales Income

The Myth

You've probably heard it before: "All I have to do is share a link or 2, maybe do a fun reel, and I'll make a few hundred dollars a month." Sounds enticing, doesn't it? Unfortunately, this popular myth surrounding side businesses, including pawTree, needs debunking.

The Truth

Income is not a mystical result of a few social media posts or a catchy reel. Instead, it's a straightforward math formula. Let's break it down, using a real-world analogy.

Consider getting hired by ABC Limited. They tell you that you'll make $20 an hour answering phones. The math formula for your paycheck is simple: 

Your paycheck = hours worked x $20. 

It's not magic; it's pure mathematics.

Now, let's apply this same logic to pawTree sales income.

Income = sales x the commission percentage 

Sales are generated by the conversations you have as trained in the  3-step process for gathering customers. The 3-step process is the activity required, similar to answering phones for ABC Limited. When you consistently show up and answer the phones at ABC Limited,  you get paid what you expect. Same with your pawTree business. Your consistency in doing the work directly impacts the results. 

What's Your Income Goal?

Statistics show that 80% of people starting a side business aim for an initial income of $300-500 a month. Now, let's delve into the pawTree math for achieving this income goal.



To reach $300-500 of income a month, the math formula is this BASED ON NEW CUSTOMER SALES: 

$1,000 in NEW CUSTOMER sales x a 40% commission rate. 

This roughly translates to acquiring 10 new customers in the month using the 3-step process for gathering customers.

Let's break down how to get that 40% sales commission:

  1. Base Commission (15%): All sales receive a base commission of 15%.
  2. New Customer Bonus (15%): As a new petPro, all your initial customers will be new to pawTree, so those sales qualify for an additional 15% in sales commissions.
  3. Retail Power Bonus (10%): Achieve $1,000 in sales for the month and you qualify for a Retail Power Bonus of an additional 10% of all sales.

In summary, your total commission on all NEW CUSTOMER sales for the month is 40%, comprising 15% base, 15% new customer bonus, and 10% Retail Power Bonus. 

$1,000 in new customer sales (10ish new customers) x a 40% commission rate = $400

NOTE: When you have other sales that are from recurring or past customers, your commissions on those sales is 15% + your Retail Power Bonus %. In this scenario, that would be 30% (15% base + 10% RPB)

When You Make Money - You Might Want to Share With Others

While inviting others to start their own pawTree business with you isn't required, it's an option to consider as an additional income source. Once you start seeing those income deposits from sales hit your account, your belief and desire to share this with others will naturally increase. Use the easy enrollment offers to invite others to start earning some side gig income with you! 

The Bottom Line

It's crucial to dispel the myth that success comes effortlessly by just sharing a link or two. pawTree income, like any other, is a result of diligently following a proven formula. Income is a direct outcome of your sales efforts, not an enchanting byproduct of wishful thinking.

In the world of side gigs and sales, success is not magic; it's mathematics. By understanding the income formula, embracing the 3-step process for gathering customers, and actively working towards your goals, you can transform your pawTree business into a lucrative venture. 

You're not just securing sales; you're building relationships and creating a community of satisfied pet owners who trust in pawTree's commitment to their pets' well-being.

Whether you're seeking a side income or aiming for a full-time business, remember, it's YOUR business – what will you do with it?

pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each PetPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort.  

The financial results of all PetPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure chart that can be found here, which does not include PetPro costs.



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