Purposeful or Persuadable?

Without prioritized focus...every good intentioned person can persuade us to say yes to their need or want before we realize we've just given away all of our time to other people’s goals and priorities, leaving no time for our priorities. 

Without prioritized focus...every good cause or good idea can persuade us to say yes. Only later, often exhausted and suffering from burn out, we realize we said no to what was most important to us with that yes.


When we are not 100% sure what our priorities are, we can be easily persuaded into giving time to the priorities of others, taking away time to give to our priorities . It happens every day…

  • People ask us to use our time to do something important to them
  • People ask us to give our time to help them accomplish a priority goal for them

These are often good and valid things we are asked to do. We might even feel guilty saying no to the requests.

But what if someone asked us to give them time already committed to…

  • A job
  • A Dr. appointment (or other appointments)
  • A committed date on the calendar

We never feel guilty saying no to requests of our time that conflict with a firm commitment – and that is the key. We have to treat our life priorities like a commitment vs something we hope to do.

When we lack unshakable focus on what we are determined to accomplish, we are easily persuaded and veer off course.

Eventually it all catches up with us…

  • Our family starts to feel neglected
  • We start to feel overwhelmed
  • Our desired personal and business results seem harder and harder to achieve


To use our yeses and our nos on purpose, we have to:

  • Define the results we desire to accomplish in our life
  • Schedule time for them 
  • Commit to showing up
  • Take the action 
  • Say no to what takes us off course

With intended results defined and purposeful determination to take the actions required make it happen, we are empowered to say YES or NO with confidence and without guilt or regret.

We are purposeful…not persuadable!


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