5 Easy Steps for a Monthly Goal Setting and Getting System

Systems are the key to repeated success in any business. For sales, we have our Simple Sharing System, but did you know we have a system for monthly goal setting and getting? 


First, we have tools to help. 

  • Monthly Goal...
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5 Self-Coaching Questions to Overcome Overwhelm

Leadership isn't doing all the things for all the people.

It's learning to do the things that lead others to want to duplicate you. 

If you are overwhelmed, those you are leading see it and say to themselves "no thank you". Duplication...

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Less Get More Give


It’s a simple 3 letter word, but it can complicate our mindset without us even realizing it. We use it without thinking about it – habitually, not intentionally.

Why does this simple word have the power to drive a negative mindset?...

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What's the Truth?


  • I can’t
  • I’m not educated enough
  • I can’t talk to people
  • I don’t have time
  • I’m not talented enough
  • My life is to complicated to be able to (_____)
  • I’m too (shy/unorganized/____) to be successful at (____)
  • ...
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Prioritizing Opportunities


“I really want to make this happen, but I just don’t have enough time”, said a successful person – never!

And yet, it’s used as an ‘excuse’ over and over in the lives of busy people....

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What's Your Excuse


We have all been guilty of using them at some time or another. Maybe you are using them right now?

Using Excuses VS Having Excuses

When we talk about excuses, we often say we ‘have’ an excuse, but truth is, most...

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